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2023-11-21 - 2024-04-07



金點設計獎源自1981年、創立於台灣,是全球華人市場具權威性與影響力之專業設計獎項,現由台灣設計研究院(Taiwan Design Research Institute, TDRI)辦理獎項與策劃頒獎典禮及相關活動。自2015年起,金點設計獎針對不同目標族群,分設「金點設計獎」、「金點概念設計獎」及「金點新秀設計獎」等三大獎賽,旨在褒揚傑出的創新設計產品與作品。



針對今年得獎作品的展示,除適應各展間空間增生的架構,也提出關鍵字作為觀展索引,01線性增生展間 ,以 #未來遷徙 及 #人機共創 為主軸,線性元素帶出方向與位移感,承載當代移動及各領域智能協作的設計作品;02展間在空間中開啟各式大小的對話框,強調 #跨維對話 ,結合靜態及動態方式,展示由視覺傳達到空間設計,而整合設計則能完全體現跨維對話的具體成果;04展間的桌面增生突顯由台灣本土元素、地景、或結合產業轉型 #在地增生 的巧思,#超維風格 的產品則勾勒出著令人嚮往的未來生活場景;#永續質感 作為當代核心價值穿插出現在個展間之中,提倡永續也能成為美與質感的表現。






展覽地點|台灣設計館 01、02、04展間

展覽票價|50元/40元 (10⼈以上團體票)/符合優待票資格者免費 







贊助單位 |Monotype



Established in 1981, Taiwan’s Golden Pin Design Award is the most influential design award in the global Huaren market. The planning and handling of the awards, the prize-giving ceremony, and all other related activities are executed by Taiwan Design Research Institute (TDRI). In 2015, the Golden Pin Design Award launched three separate awards — the GOLDEN PIN DESIGN AWARD, GOLDEN PIN CONCEPT DESIGN AWARD, and YOUNG PIN DESIGN AWARD. The purpose of each award is to commend outstanding innovation in design within different target demographics.


The 2023 Golden Pin Design Exhibition proceeds with the key visuals of its award ceremony, “Superload,” to unveil the diversity and boundless creative explosions within contemporary design. Conducted by the cross-disciplinary design team “Atelier SUPERB”, the exhibition showcases nearly 100 award-winning pieces from the four categories of Golden Pin Design Award, product design, communication design, spatial design and integrated design. Its curatorial theme “Multi-Dimensional Hyperplasia

” incorporates the 3 elements of line, surface, and volume into a seamless blend of abstract spaces. This prompts viewers to let their imagination wander between the virtual reality and the physical world with a heavy focus on viewing and understanding different perspectives. It underscores the notion that creativity constantly unearths new opportunities through the intersection of imaginative dimensions and communication.


To exhibit this year’s award-winning works, the exhibition adapted to expansive spaces and provided keywords as indicators. In Room 01 Linear Proliferation with primary themes #FutureMigration and #HumanMachineCollaboration, linear elements enhance direction and a sense of motion, showcasing contemporary designs centered on mobility and interdisciplinary smart collaborations. In Room 02, conversation boxes of varying sizes is laid out to emphasize #Cross-DimensionalDialogue. This blend of static and dynamic presentations bridges the gap between visual and spatial design, while integrating tangible forms of interdimensional exchanges. In Room 04, the focus shifts to desktop #LocalProliferation, highlighting ingenious concepts that incorporate elements, landscapes, or industrial transformations. #Super-DimensionalStyle products illustrate an enticing vision of living scenarios. The theme of #SustainableQuality is seamlessly woven into each exhibition space, proposing sustainability as a manifestation of beauty and quality within contemporary values.


Exhibition Name2023 Golden Pin Design Exhibition- Multi-Dimensional Hyperplasia

Exhibition Period2023.11.21-2024.3.17(Close on Mondays, 2/9 to 2/12) 

Opening Time10:00–18:00(tickets for salt until 7:30) 

LocationTaiwan Design Museum Room01 02 04

TicketNTD 50/NTD40 (Group ticket for more than 10 persons)/free admission for those who meet the  


OrganizerIndustrial Development Administion, Ministry of Economic Affairs

ExecutiveTaiwan Design Research Institute

CurationAtelier SUPERB

Key VisualYang Shih-Ching

Extended Key VisualAtelier SUPERB

Sponsor Monotype

